I'm jumping on the Thankful Train, I need it to force me to sit down everyday and really think about all the things I am grateful for. So everyday for the rest of the month I will post about the thing I am most thankful for that day. Yesterday while I was facebook stalking I ended up happening upon a blog of a woman in Lousianna. Her baby has epidermolysis bullosa, this is where any friction or rubbing on her baby's skin causes painful blisters and he is in severe pain all day everyday. It broke my heart, I was sobbing while I was reading it. He is blind now because of all the blisters on his eyes has caused such severe scar tissue, she has to clean and rebandange his entire body everyday. I went in Hudson's room, got him out of his crib and just rocked him for a half hour. Reading about how hard it was seeing her baby in so much pain really shook me up. She can not touch his bare skin. So today I am grateful for a healthy baby that I can hold and cuddle and blow on his belly.
sad! I'm grateful for a healthy baby too. And a FABULOUS hair dresser :)