Today Hudson had to go to the Dermatologist because he's had a suspicious bump on his head that has worried us for the last few weeks. It's grown quite a bit in the last month and our Pediatrician told us we needed to have it biopsied. I was not prepared for what they had to do today and I do not usually get queasy or grossed out, but I almost passed out and had to sit down. I won't go into lots of details but H was left with gaping hole and had to have several stitches. The hardest part was having to hold him down. He was not happy about it to say the least. But we are home recovering, me more than him. The Dr said he hit a blood vessel so it was bleeding pretty badly so I had to sit there for about 15 minutes just putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding. While I was sitting there the Dermatologist looked at me very concerned and asked me if I was okay? And that's when I started crying, I wanted to tell him that I would have been just fine if he hadn't asked me!

The good news is the Dr said it looked benign, and we would have the results back in a week, the other good news is...they didn't have to shave his head. So today I am grateful for the numbing medicines they gave my baby so he didn't feel a lot of pain.......except the pain of get the shots that make it numb.
the poor thing... it makes me cry just thinking of what you and he had to go through.. you are so strong.. im thankful for numbing medicine too. so littleyou hudson didn't have to feel that