The zinho turned 9 months old while we were in Brazil, and I heard he celebrated it up....Big time! So we went into his checkup a little late, but here are his stats
length- 28in 37%
weight-20lbs 38%
head- 47.5 cm 94%
4 teeth!!
He is in such a fun stage right! I'd freeze time if I could. Although I think I've said that every month up to this point. He never stops chattering, he sleeps like a champ, and is usually the happiest baby ever! He is so fun to play with and he loves all of his toys that he got for Christmas that never stop making noise! He always has a smile on his face and flirts with all the ladies all the time. He also loves his "theme song" that his dad his written for him! He has also become quite the dancer! We love him so much!
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